Affected Product: Stimulsoft Dashboards.JS

Affected Versions: <2024.1.2

Fixed Version: 2024.1.3

CVE-Number: CVE-2024-24396

Severity: 4.8 (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N)

Discovered by Ing. Simon Schönegger, BSc, MSc, DI Lukas Hammer, BSc

During security research, the researchers discovered that Stimulsoft Dashboards.JS is prone to multiple vulnerabilities including Reflected Cross Site Scripting.

In order to exploit this vulnerability an attacker is only required to visit the Dashboards Application. This vulnerability is rated as unauthtenticated, since this product does not handle authentication on its own.

Proof of Concept

It is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript-Code into the search bar. This code is executed as soon as the search function is triggered. The following code can be used to trigger this behaviour: <img src="#" onerror="alert(1)" /> Injecting JavaScript-Code into the search bar

Vendor contact timeline

2024/01/10Discovery of the vulnerability
2024/01/10Researchers inform vendor about the vulnerability
2024/01/19Vendor informs the researchers, that the vulnerability will be fixed with 2024.1.3
2024/01/19Stimulsoft Dashboards.JS 2024.1.3 is released
2024/01/19Disclosure of the vulnerability to MITRE
2024/02/02MITRE assigns CVE-2024-24396